Wednesday 18 January 2023



NEP 2020- Role of School Library & Librarian - Mr. Sunil Saini

Library Resources building as per NEP 2020. School Libraries will be set up in villages to serve community during non-school hours.Formation of Book Clubs.Creation of Digital Libraries.A national repository of high-quality resources on DIKSHA .

DIKSHA -Digital Infrastructure of Knowledge SHAring (National repository)

ECCE -Early childhood care and education

NIPUN-National initiative for profeciency in reading with understanding numeracy .(uptograde 3

UFLN-Universal foundation literacy &numeracy-achieved by 2025.

SARTHAQ-students teachers holistic advancement through quality education ( 2023 target year)

NBT-engaging inspirational books

NCERT -National Educational Policy

SEDGS -Specoal emphasis on Socio economically Disadvantages groups

NEP 2020- 5+3+3+4

(Prepatory,Foundational ,middle school secondary)

National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.Achieving universal foundational literacy and numeracy in primary school by 2025.

1.Encyclopedia & Inspirational Books 2. Formation Book Club 3  Creating Digital Library 

4.National Repository _ Diksha Portal  (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing)

5.Library Activities and evaluation based on Learning Outcomes).


Formal & Non-formal

education modes.


Public-philanthropic partnerships

in developing schools.

Community & Alumni volunteering (database


Tutoring, Career guidance and mentoring.Celebrating the school as a

community institution

Inviting community involvement.

Promoting social, intellectual-and volunteer activities.

Samajil Chetna Kendra.Developing


Resource Sharing

Inclusive Education

Creation of DigitalResources

Library Orientation

Strengthening Onlineinterfaces

Library as a Communityspace.

Points to remember



National BookPromotion Policy

Social Book Clubs

Collaboration withother Institutions

Partnerships withNGOs & Volunteering.

Online Platforms

ICT integration



Reading campaigns/competitions/spell-bees/fastest reader contests.

Social connectivity initiatives

 Web tools to create a Virtual Library Space - Mr. S L Faisal 

Library as third place .

Tools helps curate or organization  -blog creating hosting content Wordpress

    Alternative :Blogger, wix , Weebly 

Curating content online  - Waklet, 

     Alternative  :Scoop, Listly, Feedly,

3.Creating podcast   -  Anchor

      Alternative     podbean, Audacity 

4.Sound curating -SoundCloud 

    Alternative -

Then hands-on session 

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DAY 21
