Wednesday 1 February 2023

DAY 17


Session -I Action Research By  Mr . Tejinder Singh ,Training Assistant (Chemistry ),ZIET Chandigarh 
*Action Research  is a natural extension of good teaching .Observe the students closely ,analysis their needs and adjusting the curriculum to fit their needs .
* The term action Research was coined in the 1940s by Kurt Lewin ,a German -American social psychologist who is  widely considered to be the founder of the field .
*Can be used at all levels & in all areas of education
*Why should a teacher engage ?
*Helps to find the most effective practice to teach • Empower teachers to improve their skill • Enhances their knowledge of the subject • Closes the gap between theory (written in books) and practical (classroom teaching) • Gains control and helps to reflect their teaching methodology • Aids to formulate the strategy according to the specific need of students • Helps to be their own guides Benefits both teacher and student
.Benefits both teacher and student-become close
What are the pre-requisite ?Does it address a practical problems? • Does it generate knowledge? • Does it enact changes in your pedagogy/ classroom /school? • Is it participatory? • Could it be a cyclical process?
General Research Skills  Ability to • Identify the problem • Develop instrument • Select appropriate sample • Collect data • Analyze data
Overall goal should be to solve a problem-idea-plan -action
How its different from conventional research?

Basic action research cycle: PDSA-plan do study and 
Action Research for Classroom Teachers
Identifying the Problem…. It should be; • A teaching and learning activity • Within your locus of control • Something you feel passionate about • Something you would like to change or improve • Explore opportunities, assess possibilities & examine constraints
Review research literature….. Become familiar with other research done on the area of focus • Utilize the findings of others to help develop the plan • Apply research findings through the lens of others’ experience • Should address the gap between what we know and what we don’t know about your topic?
Sources of literature Primary sources: government publications, policy documents, research papers, dissertations, conference presentations and institutional occasional papers with accounts of research; • Secondary sources use primary sources as references, such as papers written for professional conferences and journals, books written for practicing professionals and book reviews

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DAY 21
